An t-Ionad
Tha Ionad Thròndairnis ag amas air an dà chuid luchd-còmhnaidh agus luchd-turais a thoirt an sàs tro:
- Ghàidhlig
- dhannsa is ceòl traidiseanta
- na h-ealain lèirsinneach
- dhualchas is àrainneachd
- bhiadh is deoch ionadail
- àiteachan mìneachail
The Centre
Ionad Thròndairnis aims to engage both residents and visitors through:
- Gaelic language
- traditional music and dance
- visual arts
- heritage and environment
- local food and drink
- interpretative spaces

’S e an t-amas a th’ aig Urras Ionad Thròndairnis ionad coimhearsnachd cultarail a leasachadh, a tha a’ togail air dualchas beartach Gàidhlig na sgìre, cruth-tìre ainmeil agus air a’ mhothachadh làidir gur e coimhearsnachd thraidiseanta dùthchasach a th’ ann, nach eil a-nis air fhàgail ach ann an cuid bheag de na h-eileanan no, gu dearbh, an còrr den Alba.
Tha Ionad Thròndairnis, mar a chanar ris an ionad, a’ toirt seachad cothrom air leth ri ionad a leasachadh ann an àite far a bheil coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig fhathast ann agus a’ soirbheachadh. Tha an t-Urras a’ togail air an dìleab aca bliadhnaichean de dh’obair leis a’ choimhearsnachd, a’ ruith na Fèise gach bliadhna agus ag obair air an cànan adhartachadh do luchd-còmhnaidh agus luchd-tadhail le chèile. Chan e a-mhàin gun toir an stòras cultarail miannach seo goireasan de dh’àrd-chàileachd seachad dhan choimhearsnachd ionadail, ach cuideachd bheir e goireasan deatamach seachad do na mìltean de luchd-turas a thig ann gach bliadhna, far nach eil a leithid de ghoireasan ann dhaibh an-dràsta. Bidh an teachd a-steach a thèid a thogail leis an uiread a thathar a’ dùileachadh de luchd-tadhail a’ fàgail an Ionaid fèin-seasmhach, agus e cuideachd a’ dèanamh deagh chothroman-obrach san sgìre.
Bidh e a’ cur air adhart gu farsaing maireannachd is neartachadh cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig, is a’ dèanamh ceangail fiùghantach eadar a’ choimhearsnachd ionadail agus an iomadh neach-tadhail a tha ag iarraidh sgìre Thròndairnis a thuigsinn tuilleadh na dh’fhiosraich iad roimhe.
Ionad Thròndairnis Trust has a vision to develop a unique cultural community centre, building on the area’s rich Gaelic heritage, iconic landscape and profound sense of traditional rural community which now remains in only a few of the islands or indeed the rest of Scotland.
Ionad Thròndairnis, as the Centre will be named, provides an unparalleled opportunity for the development of a hub in an area where the Gaelic community still exists and thrives. The Trust are building on the legacy of years of community effort running the annual Fèis and working to promoting their language to all residents and visitors alike. This ambitious cultural asset will not only provide high quality amenity for the local community, but will also provide critical facilities for the many thousands of annual tourists, where none currently exists. As such, the income steams generated by the anticipated footfall will make the Centre self-sustaining, in addition to creating quality employment opportunities in the area.
It will promote the furtherance and strengthening of the Gaelic culture and language in its broadest sense, and create a dynamic interface between the local community and the many visitors who want to understand the identity of Trotternish area in deeper terms than they have experienced previously.
Please download the full presentation

Thoir tabhartas
Ma tha thu airson cuideachadh leis an amas seo feuch an toir thu seachad tabhartas don iomairt Just Giving againn le bhith a’ cliogadh air a’ phutan gu h-ìosal/an seo.
If you would like to help towards this aim please donate to our Just Giving campaign by clicking on the button below/here.