Picture of man
isle of skye conversations

Ar Sgeul

Tha muinntir Thròndairnis a’ cur fàilte ort gu àite sònraichte, gun choimeas. ‘S ann ann an cuimhne luchd-turais a tha sealladh Dhruim Thròndairnis, structair colbhach basalt a’ Chuith-raing, agus Bodach an Stòr èibhiseach, sealladh nach tèid air dìochuimhn’ orra gu bràth. ’S iad seo cuid de na seallaidhean as rìomhaiche san t-saoghal – àite a tha a’ sealltainn a h-uile rud a tha sònraichte mun Eilean Sgitheanach. ‘S e 18 mìltean de dh’fhaid a th’ ann bho cheann a tuath an eilean dhan phrìomh-bhaile Port Rìgh, is tha Tròndairnis làn iongnaidhean clach-eòlais, fiadh-bheatha taitneach, eachdraidh agus cultair. Tha coimhearsnachd Thròndairnis ag iarraidh na feallsanachd aca a roinn leat. Taobh a-staigh na h-àrainneachd luachmhor aca tha iad ag iarraidh àite sònraichte a thogail far am faod iad fàilte a chur air a h-uile duine tighinn a dh’fhaicinn am pàirt den t-saoghal – ’s e sin Ionad Thròndairnis.

Our Story

The people of Trotternish peninsula welcome you to a unique and special place. The classic image of the Trotternish Ridge, the Quirang with its incredible basalt columnar structure and the majestic Old Man of Storr have imprinted on visitors’ memories an unforgettable image. This is genuinely some of the most outstanding scenery on the planet – a place that sums up all that is special about the Isle of Skye. Stretching 18 miles from the tip of the north end of the island to the principal town of Portree, the peninsula is rich in geological wonders, stunning wildlife, history and culture. The community of Trotternish have a vision they want to share with you. Within their marvellous environment they want to create a special place in which to welcome everyone to their part of the world – Ionad Thròndairnis – the Trotternish Centre.

Picture of a burn
Man wearing a hat
Picture of sheep being sheared

Tùsan Beaga

’S e coimhearsnachd shònraichte a th’ ann am Flòdaigearraidh, baile beag air ceann a tuath Thròndairnis. Chaidh a stèidheachadh tràth san 20mh linn, agus às na ceithir teaghlaichean deug dhan deach croitean a shònrachadh bho thùs, tha dhà theaghlach deug fhathast a’ fuireach ’s ag obair ann. Ag amas air an dualchas aca a ghlèidheadh ’s adhartachadh, fad beagan bliadhnaichean tha an àireamh bheag seo den luchd-còmhnaidh air prògram de thachartasan a chruthachadh agus a thoirt seachad, fosgailte dhan h-uile duine, a tha a’ comharrachadh na Gàidhlig, an ciad cànain, cho math ri ceòl is cultar na sgìre. Bho cho tràth ri 2009, an dèidh an tachartais a’ comharrachadh ceud bliadhna bho chionn stèidheachadh bhaile Fhlòdaigearraidh, dh’èirich a’ bheachd seo. A’ togail air soirbheas an tachartais seo, chuir an coimhearsnachd romhpa gum bu chòir dhaibh àite poblach maireannach a chruthachadh gus:

  • na cùrsaichean a tha iad a’ ruith ann an com-pàirteachas ri Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Ionad Nàiseanta Cànan agus Cultar na Gàidhlig a leasachadh;
  • cuirmean-ciùil, cèilidhean agus tachartasan eile a chumail;
  • eachdraidh, clach-eòlais agus fiadh-bheatha na sgìre a mhìneachadh;
  • farsaingeachd de thaisbeanaidhean ealain a chumail taobh a-staigh (agus ’s dòcha air am brosnachadh le) cruth-tìre gun choimeas;
  • an measgachadh lìonmhor de bhiadh is deoch ionadail a thaisbeanadh.

’S e as cudromaiche, gum bu chòir dha bhith na àite shòisealta anns am faodar coinneachadh ri chèile agus ris an luchd-turais uile a thig a dh’fhaicinn àilleachd na sgìre seo. Ag obair còmhla ri lìonra làidir de bhuidhnean ionadail, gnìomhachasan agus buidhnean saor-thoileach ann an Tròndairnis, dh’obraich iad air an lèirsinn a leasachadh gus dèiligeadh ris an fheum mhòr a th’ ann airson a leithid de ghoireas ann an taobh tuath an eilein. Tha am pròiseact seo ag amas air a’ ghoireas sin a thoirt air adhart – ionad air a dheagh shuidheachadh ri taobh baile Fhlòdaigearraidh agus le sealladh den chuan. Gus seo a thoirt gu buil chuir a’ choimhearsnachd urras leasachaidh air dòigh – Urras Baile Fhlòdaigearraidh (SC473087 companaidh earranta le barantas), agus thug iad seachad mar thìodhlaic fearann luachmhor às an ionaltradh-coitcheann aca. Chaidh a’ cheannachd seo a choileanadh anns a’ Chèitean 2019.

Small Beginnings

The township of Flodigarry, at the north end of the Trotternish peninsula, is a remarkable community. Formed in the early 20th century, it comprises twelve of the original fourteen families who were allocated crofts. Determined to preserve and promote their heritage, this small number of residents have for several years created and hosted a programme of events, open to everyone, which celebrate Gaelic, their first language, as well as the music and culture of the area. From as early as 2009, following the centenary event to celebrate the formation of Flodigarry township, the kernel of an idea was planted. Building on the success of this event the community determined that they should turn their efforts to the creation of a permanent public space:

  • to develop the Gaelic courses that they run in partnership with the National Centre for Gaelic Language and Culture, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig;
  • to host concerts, cèilidhs and other functions;
  • for the interpretation of the history, geology and wildlife of the area;
  • to hold a wide variety of art exhibitions within (and possibly inspired by) a unique landscape;
  • to showcase the rich variety of locally produced food and drink.

Most importantly, it should be a social space in which to meet with each other and all of the visitors who come to experience the splendour of this wonderful area. Partnering with a strong network of local institutions, businesses and voluntary groups within the Trotternish peninsula, they developed a vision to address the great need for such a resource in the north end of the island. This project aims to develop that resource – a centre perfectly located next to the Flodigarry township and overlooking the sea. To this end the community created a development trust – Urras Baile Fhlodaigearraich, (SC473087, also a company limited by guarantee) and donated precious land from their common grazing. This purchase was formally completed in May 2019.

Picture of landscape

Fios / Contact

Faigh tuilleadh a-mach mu phlanaichean airson Ionad Thròndairnis.
Find out more about plans for the Trotternish Centre.

Le taic bho; / With support from;

Fios / Contact

Faigh tuilleadh a-mach mu phlanaichean airson Ionad Thròndairnis.
Find out more about plans for the Trotternish Centre.

Le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig / With support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig