Picture of man wearing a cap
isle of skye conversations

Dreuchd bàn

Job Vacancy

Ionad Thròndairnis

Oifigear Pròiseict – Fòrladh màthaireil

Tuarastal: £31,000 g.b. + buannachdan


IT-Foirm Iarrtais Cosnaidh 2023 AC

Anns na Meadhanan

Tha Ionad Thròndairnis anns na naidheachdan mar-thà. Cuimhnich gum faigh thu am fiosrachadh as ùire air na tha a’ tachairt air na meadhanan sòisealta againn!

In the Media

Ionad Throndairnis is already in the news. Remember you can keep in touch with all the latest developments on our social media!

Members of the community and Flodigarry Township Trust look on as local MSP Kate Forbes cuts the first turf at the ceremony .
Members of the community and Flodigarry Township Trust look on as local MSP Kate Forbes cuts the first turf at the ceremony .

Ionad cultarail ùr Sgitheanach ceum nas fhaisge

BBC Alba, 6 An Cèitean 2019

Tha ionad cultarail ùr san Eilean Sgitheanach, Ionad Thròndairnis, ceum nas fhaisge. Chum Urras Baile Fhlòdaigearraidh tachartas Disathairne a’ comhar- rachadh gur ann acasan a-nise a tha an talamh air a bheileas an dùil an to- galach a chur. A rèir an Urrais, ‘s e an ath cheum a bhith a’ lorg maoineachaidh mu choinneamh an leasachaidh. Gheall am ball pàrlamaid Albannach, Ceit Fhoirbeis, gum bi taic ri fhaighinn. Tha an aithris seo aig Alasdair MacLeòid.

Members of the community and Flodigarry Township Trust look on as local MSP Kate Forbes cuts the first turf at the ceremony .
Members of the community and Flodigarry Township Trust look on as local MSP Kate Forbes cuts the first turf at the ceremony .

Ceremony kick-starts plans for Trotternish Centre

West Highland Free Press, 10 May 2019

Last Saturday a special ceremony was held in a bid to kick-start the plans for Ionad Thròndairnis (the Trotternish Centre) – unique multi-function arts and educational centre to welcome the many hundreds of thousands of visitors who travel to this part of the island annually.

Local MSP Kate Forbes cut the first turf on the site of the proposed centre in Flodigarry.
Over the last decade the community, through the work of Urras Baile Fhlòdaigearraidh – Flodigarry Township Trust – has been drawing up plans for Ionad Thròndairnis.

The centre is conceived as a multi-purpose venue for hosting concerts, ceilidhs and other cultural and social events. Importantly, it will be an educational resource for the development of the Gaelic courses that the community has been running in partnership with Scotland’s national Gaelic college, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

In addition to providing space for the interpretation of the history, geology and wildlife of the Trotternish peninsula, the centre’s primary role will be as a social hub where members of the community can meet with each other and welcome all the visitors who come to experience the splendour of the peninsula.

Fios / Contact

Faigh tuilleadh a-mach mu phlanaichean airson Ionad Thròndairnis.
Find out more about plans for the Trotternish Centre.

Le taic bho; / With support from;

Fios / Contact

Faigh tuilleadh a-mach mu phlanaichean airson Ionad Thròndairnis.
Find out more about plans for the Trotternish Centre.

Le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig / With support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig