old man of storr


’S e amas Ionad Thròndairnis ionad coimhearsnachd cultarail a leasachadh, ‘Ionad Thròndairnis,’ a bheir seachad goireasan chan ann a-mhàin dhan choimhearsnachd ionadail, ach cuideachd goireasan riatanach do luchd-turais, gu h-àraid margaid nam busaichean. Bidh an t-ionad a’ togail air dualchas beartach Gàidhlig na sgìre agus air a’ mhothachadh làidir gur e coimhearsnachd thraidiseanta eileanach a th’ ann, agus nach eil a-nis air fhàgail ach ann am beagan phàirtean de na h-eileanan.

Mar bhuidheann tha sinn a’ leantainn am poileasaidh Fair Work First aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba. Cuir fios thugainn ma tha sibh ag iarraidh fiosrachadh a bharrachd mu dheidhinn.


Ionad Thròndairnis has a vision to develop a cultural community centre ‘Ionad Thròndairnis’, which will not only provide facilities for the local community, but will also provide much needed facilities for tourists, particularly the coach market. The centre will build on the area’s rich Gaelic heritage and strong sense of traditional island community which now only remains in a few areas of the islands.

As an organisation we adhere to the Fair Work First policy as per Scottish Government requirement. If you want more information please contact us. 

Ar Sgeul

An t-amas eachdraidh ar tìre ’s ar daoine a chur ann an tasglann, agus sinn a’ cruthachadh sgeulachdan an latha an-diugh ’s a-màireach.

Our Story

The ambition to archive the history of our land and people, whilst creating the stories of today and tomorrow.


Tha ar n-àite san Eilean Sgitheanach gun choimeas agus ’s iad na daoine a th’ aig cridhe a’ chultair.


Our location on the Isle of Skye is unique and the people make the culture.

Naidheachdan / News

An t-Ionad

’S e an t-amas a th’ aig Urras Ionad Thròndairnis ionad coimhearsnachd cultarail a leasachadh.

The Centre

Ionad Thròndairnis Trust has a vision to develop a unique cultural community centre.

Togail Airgid

’S e amas Ionad Thròndairnis ionad coimhearsnachd cultarail a leasachadh a bheir seachad goireasan chan ann a-mhàin dhan choimhearsnachd ionadail ach cuideachd goireasan riatanach dhan iomadh luchd-turais a thig dhan sgìre. Bidh an t-ionad a’ togail air cultar beartach na sgìre.

Fund Raising

Ionad Thròndairnis has a vision to develop a cultural community centre which will not only provide facilities for the local community but also much needed facilities for the many tourists that visit the area. The centre will build on the area’s rich culture.

Fios / Contact

Faigh tuilleadh a-mach mu phlanaichean airson Ionad Thròndairnis.
Find out more about plans for the Trotternish Centre.

Le taic bho; / With support from;

Fios / Contact

Faigh tuilleadh a-mach mu phlanaichean airson Ionad Thròndairnis.
Find out more about plans for the Trotternish Centre.

Le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig / With support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig